Patch 1: Bug fixes and improvements
March 29, 2021
Hi mercenaries!
We’ve just pushed our first update including hotfixes to the gameplay, UI, localisation and QOL improvements. More updates are on the horizon, including improvement of Russian and German localisation. Thank you for your patience.
Below you can read all the hotfixes.
- The wedding in white quest in Russian no longer directs you to the Harbour district when it should point you to the Shipyard.
- The Dutch localization now shows the correct stat scaling for every class.
- The Chinese localization now no longer omits certain characters from text, properly showing the entire text.
- The enemies in the second tutorial combat no longer allow you to sneak by them, which would result in the player character getting stuck upon starting combat.
- Fixed the hero death popup on death sometimes showing a deprecated version which does not allow you to click OK.
- Launching the game when offline on steam will no longer force you to quit the game.
- Launching the game when offline on GOG will now award you with your achievements upon launching the game while connected.
- Fixed crashes related to: animations, inventory filtering, level loading, healing, taking damage from multiple instances at once.
- Fixed a hair and hat clipping issue for various NPC’s.
- Recruitable mercenaries should no longer spawn on top of each other, note that this change will not remove any already stacked groups until leaving the area.
- Recruited mercenaries are no longer stuck with their rapier forever, it can now be unequipped and they can properly change classes again.
- The squares that you placed your units on in either tutorial no longer block you from using melee when standing on them.
- The climbable stable gate at the start is no longer climbable and will not get you stuck.
Other improvements
- Rebalanced some voice line volumes, mainly for Jan in the Merchant Guild and Pieter greeting you upon entering the city.
- Gates and archways should no longer cause the camera to quickly sneak under them when running through.
- The player no longer has control of their character while petting the dog or opening gates, so the air cannot be opened or pet.
- Stomach Punch now shows you what weapon it’s learned from.
- The game now launches in the resolution of the monitor being used upon first startup. If you have already launched the game and are having trouble with it not opening correctly on the default resolution, you can remove the saved video settings at C:Users{Username}AppDataLocalblacklegendSavedSaveGames
- Playing on ultrawide resolutions no longer forces you to play very zoomed in.
- Ultrawide resolutions will now be part of the resolution options for fullscreen.
- Recruitable mercenaries now start at level 1 instead of 0.
- When replacing one of your mercenaries with a new recruit, you can choose to take the gear of the one you’re replacing.
- Various grid fixes in the Harbour District and Shipyard District.
- Improved visual for the Bowstring quest.
- Class selection menu now shows the entire class description, including growth, rather than being hidden behind the scrolling text.
- The cross-class ability selection window and class selection window are cleaner and no longer have class widgets being cut in half.
- Increased the size of certain small text elements.
- Added the class name of taught abilities to the item tooltip so you don’t need to know the class icons by heart to know which class it’s for.
- Improved the visual for the compass UI element for better readability.
- Improved the visual for the loot log icon.
- Several UI elements have been modified to better fit on very wide monitors.